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Tag: Automatic Negative Thoughts


Eye Care: What You Should Know About Caring For Your Eyes

Did you know? A minimum of 2.2 billion people experiences a near or distance vision impairment. Also, nearly half of eye problems can be...

How to maintain Good Posture when carrying out your various Daily...

Good posture is also known as a neutral spine, which means the muscles that surround your spine are balanced and support your body equally....

How To Start a Brewery In 2024: An Ultimate Guide

Starting and growing breweries has been a very lucrative venture in the hospitality industry. The idea of having different strains made, assessed, and presented...

Hollywood films promoting mental health care awareness

Movies are the cultural representation of the human race. It is a specimen of fine modern technology that sometimes portrays the best and sometimes...

Is Vitamin Supplement Doing More Harm than Good

A recent survey on nutrition in Australia reported 29% of the people to have consumed at least one dietary supplement in their life. The...

An Overview of the Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders are estimated that one in five Americans will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, and about half of these people...

Recent Health study on Alzheimer’s: Is microglia the key to treating...

Cluttered tangles of Tau protein in the brain are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease as well as for a few other neurodegenerative diseases. A...

Detox the Brain, with a Good Nights Rest

Sleep is so mysterious. An area of study for several years, with scientists searching for the benefits. In more recent studies, scientists decided to...