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Types of Oral Cancer and Their Treatments

Oral cancer is simply any cancer that starts in the mouth. In general, oral cancer is ranked in larger groups of cancer identified as...

Recent VITAL study report: Not so Vital Statistics after all

A recent VITamin-D & OmegaA-3s TriaL or the VITAL study report, published in ‘Clinical Chemistry’ revealed that neither Vitamin-D nor the Omega-3s supplement is effective when...

The Ultimate Guide on Fragrance

Everybody wants to smell good hence the demand for fragrance. However, with the rise of healthy living, many consumers search for natural products to...

Are Dietary Supplements Safe? The Truth Uncovered

Supplements are a big industry. With supplements, you can take care of your skin, mood, and heart health – all without ever setting foot...

How To Start a Brewery In 2024: An Ultimate Guide

Starting and growing breweries has been a very lucrative venture in the hospitality industry. The idea of having different strains made, assessed, and presented...

Obese Children May Find A Ray of Hope in Probiotic Supplements

About 1 trillion microbes nicely live in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics are live bacteria that we can consume and improve the 1 trillion microbes’...

How To Boost Your Immune System To Fight Corona Virus

It is no more news that the COVID-19 virus has spread across all nations and territories, and the question in everyone’s mind is how...

What Health Exercises Can You Do Alone at Home?

Staying at home without being physically fit can sometimes cost you your health and money in the long run regarding healthcare bills. You are...