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Tag: Optimal yoga schedule


Eye Care: What You Should Know About Caring For Your Eyes

Did you know? A minimum of 2.2 billion people experiences a near or distance vision impairment. Also, nearly half of eye problems can be...

Hollywood films promoting mental health care awareness

Movies are the cultural representation of the human race. It is a specimen of fine modern technology that sometimes portrays the best and sometimes...

High-salt Diet Leads to Cognitive Decline

According to a recent study, a high-salt diet negatively impairs the brain function leading to cognitive decline, in simpler terms, a person experiences trouble...

Staff Shortages are to Blame for Increase in Latter-Stage Diagnosis of...

When it comes to cancer, early detection and diagnosis are key. This has been the very reason why several of those that have been...

Essential Reasons Why You Should Engage In Physical Fitness

To simply put, physical activities such as exercises help engage the body muscles and keeps one fit. Certainly, you would have seen one or...

Is Vitamin Supplement Doing More Harm than Good

A recent survey on nutrition in Australia reported 29% of the people to have consumed at least one dietary supplement in their life. The...

A New Outbreak of ADHD in Adults

A new study showed that ADHD might be on the rise in the United States. They are showing a positive increase over the last...

Solo Dining Is Terrible for Our Mental Health—and The Planet

In Renaissance Italy, the people who studied alone were condemned. It was considered that come of the daily stuff that humans performed was not...