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Hand Washing vs. Hand Sanitizer: Which Works Best against Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is here and most likely for a longer time than we expected. With the severe impact on people's health leading to several deaths...

What Health Exercises Can You Do Alone at Home?

Staying at home without being physically fit can sometimes cost you your health and money in the long run regarding healthcare bills. You are...

Treat Neuropathy with the Right Supplements

Neuropathy is a prevalent condition; in fact, around 20 million people in America as in 115 Americans have neuropathy in the form of Alzheimer's...

Breast Cancer Awareness- Time to Think Beyond Pink and Turn Awareness...

October is marked as Breast Cancer Awareness Month across the country, and while the month has just ended, it has left memories of numerous...

World Mental Health Day – What’s The Need

Indeed, mental illnesses have always been stigmatized throughout the world for the longest time and to date. It was never accepted as a normal...

Best Cleaning And Sanitizing Practices Against Covid -19 You Should Implement...

Business and commercial organizations have suffered due to the effect and impact of the Covid -19 virus. A few months ago, countries locked down...

CBD Products You Should Try Out in 2020 for Improved Health

CBD is one of the many cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. Forget the intoxicating effects of the cannabis plant that you...

High-salt Diet Leads to Cognitive Decline

According to a recent study, a high-salt diet negatively impairs the brain function leading to cognitive decline, in simpler terms, a person experiences trouble...