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Tag: Patron Saint


Crossfit Workouts: The Latest Crossfit Techniques to Try

Crossfit workouts are a great way to stay healthy and fit. They combine the best cardio features, body weight, and strength training exercise into...

Obese Children May Find A Ray of Hope in Probiotic Supplements

About 1 trillion microbes nicely live in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics are live bacteria that we can consume and improve the 1 trillion microbes’...

Recent VITAL study report: Not so Vital Statistics after all

A recent VITamin-D & OmegaA-3s TriaL or the VITAL study report, published in ‘Clinical Chemistry’ revealed that neither Vitamin-D nor the Omega-3s supplement is effective when...

Is Vitamin D Really That Important? Studies Suggest That the Human...

As far as vitamins are concerned, vitamin D is unique - and the best way to absorb it is by exposing yourself to natural...

Know the Truth about Dietary Supplements

Do you have dietary supplements hoping that you are going to live longer? A new study has shown that it is better to invest...

Find Out Now: What You Should Know About Diabetes

Did you know? Nearly 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, hence among the leading causes of death globally. To be specific, the prevalence of...

The Undiscovered Benefits And Beauty Of Wearing A Make-up

Have you ever wondered why ladies/girls/women wear makeup on their face? Indeed, you would have thought of it, and imagine how it would be...

How Mental Illness can impact negatively on your Physical Health

Mental illness is dreaded far and wide because of the many truthful or otherwise negative information spread about mental illness. It is the stigma...