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Tag: Skin Hydration


Hand Washing vs. Hand Sanitizer: Which Works Best against Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is here and most likely for a longer time than we expected. With the severe impact on people's health leading to several deaths...

Know-How Plant-Based Diet is beneficial in decreasing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is much more than overeating sugar. It is a complicated disease. However, preventing this condition from escalating can be simple. A...

The Health Benefits Derived From Alcohol-Free Drinks

Over time, there have been several debates on which is healthier and safer, alcohol-based drinks, or nonalcoholic drinks. The discussion has always brought a...

The Main Causes Of Neck Pain And Why People Experience Stiffness

These days, many people experience mild injury or neck pain due to strain, injuries, or bad sleeping habits. Inflammation caused by body reactions, overuse...

Hollywood films promoting mental health care awareness

Movies are the cultural representation of the human race. It is a specimen of fine modern technology that sometimes portrays the best and sometimes...

Researched And Proven Health Benefits Of Korean Red Ginseng Supplements

Supplements are known to be alternative items that can be taken to boost the benefits you derive from the food you eat. In traditional...

How To Minimize Infection Risk And Boosting Your Immune System Against...

Coronavirus, a worldwide threat has migrated from Asia, specifically China, to the rest of the world through human contact. It was, however, declared as...

Common Vegetable Oils That You Should Not Consume

 In recent times, health players have raised serious concerns about the detrimental effects of vegetable oil on your health. Vegetable oil is widely used...