Neuropathy is a prevalent condition; in fact, around 20 million people in America as in 115 Americans have neuropathy in the form of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, et cetera.
Nervous system
To have a better understanding of neuropathy, we need to know about our nervous system. The nervous system is nothing but the wiring in your body. It sends the impulses from your brain to your hands, feet, and other body parts. When your mind decides to do something, it sends commands to your other body parts to either move or rest or anything.
The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord, whereas the peripheral nervous system Comprises of peripheral nerves.
The symptoms of neuropathy
When a doctor tells you that you have neuropathy, he needs that your peripheral nerves or damage, Neuro means nerves and pathy means sickness.
Sometimes people say that their hands feel swollen and dumb, but actually, they are not. It means the nerves in your hand are sending the signal to your brain that your hand is swollen. However, when you look at your hand, it is evident that it is not swollen. Actually, it’s no problem in your hand, which is sending the wrong signal owing to which your brain is interpreting that your hands were swollen.
The classic symptoms of neuropathy are stocking-gloves numbness, where you feel numbness or pain in your hands and your feet and sometimes even in your internal organs.
When a person’s motor nerves are affected, the symptoms include weakness, which cascades to cramping and muscle twitch. In extreme cases, a patient might also suffer from muscle or bone loss, loss of ankle reflexes and foot drop, and changes in skin, hair, and nails.
When a person suffers from sensory nerves neuropathy, they Primarily develop damages to large fiber myelinated nerves. This damage translates to Impair sense of positional sense, balance, and light touch discrimination.
A person suffering from sensory nerve neuropathy may also incur damage to small-fiber nerves, which is caused by early diabetes. The symptoms include loss of pain or hypersensitivity in feet and an impaired sense of temperature.
If a person suffers from autonomic nerves neuropathy, he could have several problems like digestive system related issues, bladder dysfunction, dry eyes or mouth, reduced or the ability to sweat, increased heat tolerance, dizziness, lightheadedness due to blood pressure, difficulty breathing or heart problems and impotence.
Effects of neuropathy include a limitation to the ability to function, promotion of falls and slow wound healing, Lack of sleep, and also depression and social isolation.
Neuropathy is mainly caused by diabetes.
Supplements that help reduce neuropathy
Multiple supplements may help reduce symptoms of neuropathy and prevent it from occurring and sometimes even reverse the nerve damage; however, it requires several dietary and lifestyle changes, and Doctor consultations are mandatory.
Acetal-I-carnitine (ALC) is naturally produced in the liver and kidneys. It is also available as a supplement for treating a wide variety of symptoms caused by neuropathy. ALC helps in controlling pain and improve nerve function in people with neuropathy caused by diabetes.
B complex vitamins such as B 12, B6 and other B complex vitamins are also known for reducing symptoms of neuropathy and easing the pain. B complex vitamins help in playing an essential role in nerve health, metabolism, and sensory perception. Some b complex supplements that may assist in neuropathy are Folate, which is present in dietary sources such as oatmeal and fortified cereals, Vitamin B1, which is present in different types of meat as well as oranges and pears.
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) assist in reversing radical damage and intensify the effects of antioxidants, which in turn slows or stops nerve damage.
Ale is known for offering relief to neuropathic symptoms like burning and stabbing pains within a few weeks of it being taken.
Multiple studies have proven that ALA is indeed effective in increasing blood flow in the Brachial artery. However, the increased dosage has resulted in multiple side effects.
Magnesium is also considered to be helpful for patients suffering from chemotherapy-related neuropathy. Magnesium is found in abundance in dark chocolate, avocados et cetera
Calcium, which is found in dairy foods such as milk and cheese, is also considered to be Helpful in with a reduction of chemotherapy-related neuropathy.
Glutamine is an amino acid that is found in Wheat, barley, Call, peanuts, egg whites, and milk. It is also the most Abundant Amino acid. It also helps in reducing the severity of neuropathy in people. Glutamine is also available as an injection or a pilot.
Supplements made up of glutathione Also assist in reducing the severity of diabetic neuropathy, chemotherapy-related neuropathy, and neuropathy of unknown origin. It is such an antioxidant that the body produces naturally, and on top of that, it is found in foods such as okra, asparagus, and avocados.
Supplements of N – acetylcysteine Protect the neurological system from inflammation and damage, which assists in preventing and treating neuropathy. NAC is also considered as a drug or a supplement that helps with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer‘s disease.
Supplements of B12, copper, vitamin E, and B6 could also be taken to help in the reduction of neuropathy related pain and discomfort. However, taking too much of any supplement can result in serious health problems, including worsening of neuropathy.
Since neuropathy is a complex system, the right treatment varies from person to person. Dietary and lifestyle changes may help in the reduction of the symptoms or even the prevention of neuropathy itself.
To prevent neuropathy, you have to be sure that the blood glucose levels are controlled. They have an abundance of physical activity, which will maintain a healthy weight and prevent conditions of neuropathy. Smoking Needs to be seized so that the arteries are not affected by a reduction in size which smoking causes.
Neuropathy is a very unpredictable condition, and it may get better or worse, depending on various factors. Many people with neuropathy try several treatments to see improvements. Neuropathy is indeed a treatable Symptom, especially when a right combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and proper treatment of underlying conditions have ensued. It is imperative a person encountering with early symptoms of neuropathy consult a doctor as soon as possible to appropriate medication and diet can be prescribed to curb the onset of further nervous system-related medical escalations.